I'm currently working on my portfolio, which I'll hopefully finish up this coming week. My intention was only to include visual development work, but after coloring a bunch of my character sketches, I'm considering a character design section to show variaty and diversity in my work. Just finished this guy.......his name is Slaboviek!
hvad har har jeg gjort?
ohh finally...., I love the details you used with the clothes :),the character is GREAT!!! great coloring,Look a bad guy :D.... more characteres now please, I see you love create them!!!!
Ahem! Ahem! too good...you are really talented, dude...keep it up...keep exploring...
love the color scheme...
Oh I see the coments was left ;), too much problem with blogger,today at morning,keep it up, the character look really great!!
Awesome character design!
Top work man !!
Nice in so many ways. Love his shirt.
Cooool character!! Love the details!
really lovely stufff! i in particular enjoyed the process piece on the dock!!
more please!!
funny... i like his lack of style and color. very nice
Nice job incorporating the textures and the flowery pattern. Im sure your portfoilo will rock once you get it put together!
Hanzo...if "ShLA-BOHHHH-VEEEE-EK" is a landlord of a sleezy building in downtown Moscow..why does he need a gun?
ah.. he looks like a total mafia guy!
I like!
Love everything about this dude, especially his face! are you gonna post more from your portfolio?
Very Hot Bro kool I know your portfoilo is going to rocking fierce bro thanks for the words of support always glad to have u drop in bro hope work is kool take care!!!
sweet character hans, good luck on the ol portfolio!
nice details...see you when you get to Cali.
yes, I'm still at the same place.
you flat out rock man! Great personality on this guy!
Very nice, solid drawing! Love the textures on the shirt and the extra details you've added too. Dang, too good!
Hans... I have been seeing your work and it's fantastic... I like very much your BGs' work and layouts too. But your sense to add colour to your characters is also very good!!! Congratulations for it!
Thanks a lot everybody! Your comments are priceless and my biggest motivation:) I really enjoy doing character designs as well and promise I'll post more soon.
Ben: Because he's a landlord of a sleezy building in downtown Moscow!.....well, actually Brian was right on the money, he was originally thought out to be part of either the russian or Latvian underworld, as some kind of hitman for the mafia.
Ken: Most of the stuff I post on my blog will probably end up in my portfolio. Almost done, just gotta add a little life drawing I'll be doing at the zoo this weekend.
Thanks again,
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